The strength

We all know what is actually the definition of strength? In practice what it means to be strong? Does it mean to have a heavy hand or be able to move heavy loads?

If we read on Wikipedia you will find: “a force vector is a physical quantity that is manifested in the interaction of two or more bodies”, but here we should start introducing more specific concepts, vectors, Center of gravity, biomechanics of movements etc.etc … all very fascinating but topics that I leave you to investigate further.

What I like most is the definition of Zaciorskij: “strength is man’s ability to win or to oppose a muscular commitment by external resistance” from here you can introduce two important aspects: the force flexibility and joint mobility and neuro-muscular appearance, the first we already discussed in the previous article, now we focus on the second aspect.

We divide the two words, NEURO and muscular: first it is evident his link with the central nervous system (CNS); to be strong is required to develop capacity.
Ability to muscle fiber recruitment, coordination ability (balance and rhythm) and control capability, while for the first and the last ability there are apparent problems with the second we start having the first serious trouble. The ability to reach the maximum coordination in development between the ages of 7 and 13 years (excluding the hereditary component, so-called genetic): If you have children then lived a childhood full of sports, outdoor games etc etc then today maybe you people, if you are children of the technology or your kids prefer to spend hours in front of the tv , playstation, various mobile phones then you are almost ruined.

Muscle instead what makes the difference is the length of your muscles and their transverse diameter and especially the percentulae of white fibers (Fast Twitch) and Red fibers (Slow Twitch) present in your body but also Genetics is very important here.

All of these components in synergy between them allows you to develop strength, have you ever seen newbies on the bench (bench press)? At the beginning can’t even raise the barbell and drain after 1 week are already able to lift loads, mica became stronger or have taken magic potions, merit is the CNS who understood that we must recruit more fibres to move a load, became stronger because the gesture involved more motor units (thus more muscle fibers more motor neurons, etc..)

Sports literature we distinguish three forms of force, also called conditional capacity: the maximum force (FM), strength (FV) and Resistance (FR or endurance). In combat sports is better define how fast force FV/FR and explosive as resistance to explosive force, but more about that in another article.

Personally in my workouts I always an eye for sessions on mobility and joint flexibility and muscle development carried out in the weight room (you know, maybe your masters have said that the weights are bad, they become large, heavy … they are all crap coming from the ancient world, when asked for explanations of the exercises the body builder who obviously have different objectives and which could explain them are in their own way). The weights are good, if executed correctly, technically if periodizzati in training and aimed at a target.

Energize and send your kids to the Park!

See you soon!

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