Vrksasana, the location of the tree is an asana comes to the rescue even of those who practice yoga for a short time, but needs to put the roots!
Sometimes unexpected news arrives that modify a little the vision of the world around us … changes that can be expected, or twists that you had no inkling. Comes a moment that requires concentration: gather and collect ideas, put the roots in the ground and rise into the sky … just like a tree and “vrska” means just that!
Balance, concentration, strength: these are all physical and mental qualities that are needed to carry out the position of the shaft.
On the physical plane, the muscles of the thighs, calves, ankles, and spine are involved to maintain this asana, but also the chest and shoulders are stimulated, thanks to stretching.
On the mental plane Vrksasana develops a feeling of harmony, which offers to those who practice this position greater ease of concentration, very useful when you face a choice. If you have to make a decision, concentration and balance strengths are absolutely useful! 🙂
Yoga Journal describes it this way: Vrksasana execution
1) Put upright in Tadasana. Slightly move the weight on the left foot, keeping the Interior well fastened to the ground, and bend your right knee. Stretch your right hand down and grabs the ankle correspondent.
2) raises the foot and supports the plant inside of the left thigh. If you press the right heel against the inside left groin, with the toes pointing towards the floor. The center of the basin must be perpendicular to the top of the left foot.
3) hands to the top of the pelvis. Make sure that the pelvis is in a neutral position, with Crown parallel to the floor.
4) extends the tailbone towards the floor. Press firmly the plant right foot against the inner thigh, pushing in the opposite direction with the outside of his left leg. Join your hands into Anjali Mudra. Fixed so relaxed a point on the wall in front of you, about 120-150 cm.
5) hold your position for 30-60 seconds. Breathing out, back to Tadasana and repeat the exercise for the same length of time reversing the legs.
Hands can also be kept stretched above the head, parallel to each other, with your arms open as her shoulders. Your fingers are open, just like the branches that come to life from the trunk.