Tadasana, mountain location!

Tadasana or mountain location is one of the first, but not least, positions that are practiced during a yoga class and is also the one position that you practice before and after the other standing poses, to gather forces again after a challenging sequence.

The Tadasana does regain, those who practice it, firmness and stability, just as a mountain and “spiritual” benefits of this position are, like those tied to tree roots: promotes inner strength giving, because it freezes the body to find peace. From a physical point of view, instead, Tadasana improves posture by strengthening and toning the thighs, knees, ankles, abdominals and buttocks.

But as you practice this position?

tadasana, mountain locationFirst you have to position yourself in the foot, joining divaricando toes heels slightly so that the feet are parallel. To find your own balance is good move taking awareness of the entire sole of the foot: you can then lift before the avanpiedi, then support them and lift your heels, then slightly move the weight from right foot to left and vice versa.
At this point, once you find the balance leaning on both feet, you have to distribute the weight evenly between the two, straining the muscles of the thighs and contracting your ABS. The feeling is that the kneecaps are pushed upwards.
Raising the inner ankles strengthens the Arch of the foot, and you can imagine a beam of light energy that, starting from the feet, rises with a straight line passing through the thighs and up to the head.
Once this is done, imagine that your whole body is stretch: your tailbone to the floor while pushing your shoulder blades open and then fall naturally.
The arms following the bust, with the clavicles, wide open while the head is in balance with the core. The bottom of the Chin is parallel to the floor, her throat relaxed, compressed language toward the bottom of the mouth.
Closing his eyes and relaxing all the tiny facial muscles hold your position for some breath … don’t you feel stronger already?


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