Savasana: how to relax with yoga

Savasana relax

One of the most common yoga postures is Savasana, the corpse. We often start with this asana our yoga practice and equally frequently, culminating in this same position.

What exercises to relax? Savasana is ideal if you feel particularly tired because, by relaxing deeply every muscle in the body, it indulges in a state of rest and absolute immobility … so much so that an hour of deep relaxation in this position is equivalent to one night’s sleep!

Beautiful, but not everyone is so easy to indulge! At the beginning the relaxation will last a few minutes and gradually you can increase the duration of the practice until you get to an hour (which of course will not replace the nights sleep!).

The position of the corpse is useful for beginners yoga practice also to do at the end of the sequences to limber up and avoid doms but it’s the best as well for expert yoga pratctioner because it helps to slow down the rhythm of breathing, balance blood pressure and relaxes the nervous system. Obviously calm, tranquillity and peace are also reflected on the State of mind, which draws tremendous benefit from this location.

Recumbant reduces stress, they get the breaths, it promotes sleep and relaxes the body, knowing him ever more deeply and intimately, recognizing the different sensations that occur in it.

How to make Savasana? Firstly you need to find a quiet place, unplug the phone, maybe lower the blinds or curtains to create a situation of twilight, which will favour relaxation. At this point sitting down put your hands behind your knees and down the floor. When the abdominal muscles begin to work brings the hands behind your neck and go down slowly. Arrived at the ground with his head and neck, legs still slightly raised, just lay them on the ground once, leaving them slightly apart. Your arms down at your sides and hands have palms facing upwards. Your fingers will close a little bit and now you’re ready to close your eyes and listen to the rhythm of your breath. From the center of the body breathing expands and, with each exhale, the body, the whole body relaxes more and more. Muscles melt, you will slowly drop out and become heavier and heavier, approaching ever closer to the floor.

When you are completely relaxed keep savasana for a few breaths and then slowly returns to reality: start by moving the fingers and toes, then your knees will go to the chest and arms will wrap around pressing lightly and, when you feel ready, then open your eyes!

Good relaxation and … Sweet dreams!

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