In this article we will compare the two main methods in the context of physical conditioning: Classic aerobic training and HIIT (high intensity interval training).

Very often the emphasis is put on the appearance of calories itself — using the technology available we try to calculate more or less precisely the number of K/cal burned (energy expenditure) had during its work session, but by doing so you may not have a real idea of the activity carried out.
The actual weight loss is realized when the body changes occur that persist over time. To understand this better, unless you spend the day at the mine or to cultivate the fields, a typical day for an average man will consist of activities in low metabolic impact (sitting at your desk, watch tv, sleep, walk) and then charged to the aerobic energy system. It exploits the mitochondria to produce energy, so an increase in the number and of their efficiency increases the ability to metabolize sugar and fats (strange to say but weight loss occurs at rest).

What is the best way to make that happen? The key is in one word: intensity.

Let us now see the benefits and the correct application of the two main methods of aerobic conditioning:

(run, bike, swim, etc.)

We take the race as an example: Although an extensive application (> 50 km per week) would result in an energy expenditure that promote weight loss, there are limitations to the increase and maintain some muscle mass. So even though the tradition leads us to long sessions of racing the factor intensity plays an important role. A work session (i.e.: row, airdyne, run) between 15 and 20 minutes “pulled to death” is the best way to trigger those adaptation processes can determine significant and lasting changes in our body; over this period the massive production of lactic acid, in fact would not allow the continuation of the performance.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

In this article we saw the implementation and the results obtained, with HIIT. also in key metabolic pathway.
In this protocol enabled are primarily anaerobic ones energy systems lactacid and lactate (the improvement of power generation in the very short term acts of reflection on long).
A trick that should be considered is to perform exercises that are “family” or to put it more technical, whose motor pattern has already acquired. For example, if we never used a kettlebell, after a few minutes we will feel very tired already even though the weight we use is reduced. This fatigue is not indicative of effective work, but only the result of the fact that we spend a lot of energy to make a move that we’ve never done before, which is not in our “ropes”.
Therefore it is better to perform basic exercises (click, jumps, burpees, etc …) and only at a later stage switch to those under stress (barbells, dumbbells, Kettlebells, medball etc …) when a certain level of expertise allows it.


There is in fact a method better or worse, it is true that introduce both protocols within the periodization of training allows to always have different stimuli to create and maintain the adaptations and achieve its objective, in this case the weight loss.

A clarification is necessary preventive for newcomers to this type of training: in case of untrained subjects, with cardio-vascular problems, or in a State of strong overweight is recommended to start with low-intensity sessions to avoid both risks of injury that early onset of sickness (nausea, dizziness, dizziness).
Only subsequently and, if necessary, after medical advice, you can approach the protocols mentioned above.


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