Those who started practicing yoga after a long time that does physical activity is likely to have little muscles stretched … in yoga toning and stretching of the muscles is gradual and it is very important not to strain their bodies!
If an effort is made to make motions that the body is not prepared you might find stiffened or, even worse, obtain unpleasant contractures!
The blocks, blocks, or blocks (all ways to indicate the same sort of yogic support) are a valuable tool for both the simplest and the most complex positions and you can buy different types by color, size and material!
We start by bending forward, such as Uttanasana: by standing the tail out, soften your knees, there rests with the hands on the floor and then stretch your legs without bringing the knee in hyperextension … simple, but not so much!
With the block, located under your hands and supporting them, you will have support for the upper body so that your leg muscles will not be overly tense, your back will melt away freely and you will feel so the benefits of this position.
Another location so the yoga block or brick is very useful is trikonasana: the hand, rather than rest on the ground or on the leg (where most of the time slips) will exploit the upside provided by block avoiding dangerous twists on the spine.
The block, however, it can also be used as an aid to meditation and breathing exercises that are being performed by SAT: raising your hips legs will be less tense, even more open, and it will be more pleasant to sit in place for a long time!
Or you can use the piece for the chest, such as the location of the fish that many find difficult especially in the beginning!
With this support does not stop you anymore!